Storage and Marketing Information Pack
Harvest 2023
What do we offer?
Shoreham Silos
Shoreham Silo Services is our primary export facility handling in excess of 250,000 tons of cereals, pulses and rapeseed each year. Through our continued investment, the facility was expanded with the addition of a 24,000 m.t. grain store in 2012 further enhancing its widely recognised reputation as a preferred origin for quality shipments of UK grains.
Our Laboratories
Our fully equipped TASCC laboratories in Chichester and Shoreham provide us with all the information we need to maximise the marketing of your grain. Our FOSS Infratec NIR grain analysers are calibrated using the industry standard ring-testing against 37 laboratories from six continents ensuring unparalleled levels of accuracy during testing.
Our Transport Fleet
Widely regarded by farmers as offering the highest service levels, Churchill Freight Services (a subsidiary of Bartholomews Holdings) provide a complete haulage solution. With their impressive infrastructure, underpinned by up to 100 lorries, they can respond efficiently and reliably to growers needs.
Our Markets
Our enviable relationships with buyers and growers are built upon trust and performance. Our reputation for providing homogenous blends, loaded with the care and expertise necessary to meet (and often exceed) contract specifications is what keeps buyers coming back to us year after year. We provide our growers with access to domestic and international markets using our first-class storage and conditioning capabilities to dry, clean, segregate and safely store crops. Our professional storage and monitoring systems allow us to preserve the quality of stored grain and retain access to these highly valuable markets in a way that may not be possible using on farm storage.
Storage Options
Short Term Storage:
Short term handling and storage (using intake weight) is charged at £5.50 per metric tonne and invoiced at the time of delivery. No store weight loss is applied and drying charges (charged on the delivered weight) will be applied above 15.0% for cereals, 9.0% for Oilseed Rape and 14.0% for Pulses.
Long Term Storage:
Long term handling and storage (using the intake weight) is charged at £12.00 per metric tonne. This is invoiced in two stages: £5.50 per metric tonne payable at the time of delivery and £6.50 per metric tonne payable on 20th December 2023. A store weight loss of 1.25% will be applied to all grades.
Drying charges are applied on all cereals using the delivered weight (including malting barley) in excess of 14.0% moisture.
Marketing options
All crops will be marketed through Bartholomews Agri Foods Limited on behalf of Shoreham Silo Services.
Active Marketing
An Active Marketing contract provides you with access to our team of grain traders for advice and daily pricing options, however you will be fully responsible for making the decisions on when to price your grain.
Pool Marketing
A Pool Marketing contract provides you with a long-term averaging effect and is suitable for those who do not wish to take an active role in marketing their grain.
Closing date: for pool registration is 28th February 2023. Applications for Pool contracts received after this date may be accepted for marketing in the main Pool or in a separate Pool at the Company’s discretion (such as not to compromise the value of the main Pool).
Frequently Asked Questions
+ Are there any Marketing Charges for selling my grain?
No. We do not charge any marketing charges for participation.
+ Do you average grain allowances and haulage costs?
No. Grain allowances (if any) and haulage rates relate to your own goods and there is no averaging of these costs.
+ Can I sell my crops forward?
Yes. Crops can be sold forward at a fixed price at any time or left un-priced. For short term storage contracts, the market price on the day of delivery will apply if still unpriced at that time. Long term contracts can be priced in advance of harvest, or at any time throughout the ensuing marketing season.
+ What are the pool marketing and movement periods?
The Short Pool is marketed for July and August. The Long Pool is marketed for August and July of the following year.
+ When will I get paid for my crops?
Active Marketing contracts are paid on 28 day terms. Pool contracts are paid 25th October 2023 for the Short Pool and 25th August 2024 for the Long Pool.
+ Can I take a payment advance?
Yes. Once the crops are safely received, Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd (BAF) can provide forward advances of up to 90% for Long Pool contracts / Long Active contracts (if they have been forward price fixed). Interest is charged at 3.00% over the Bank of England base rate. Regular monthly payment options are also available. BAF reserves the right to withdraw the Advance Payment Option at any time without prior notice.
+ What are your drying charges
Cereals 14.0% up to 15.0% - £1.89 per tonne 15.1% up to 19.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 19.1% up to 23% - £3.40 per tonne per % 23.1% up to 25% - £5.16 per tonne per %
Rapeseed 9.1% up to 12.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 12.1% up to 16.0% - £3.40 per tonne per % 16.1% up to 20% - £5.16 per tonne per %
Pulses 14.1% up to 18.0% - £2.58 per tonne per % 18.1% up to 21.0% - £3.40 per tonne per % 21.1% up to 24.0% - £5.16 per tonne per %
Drying charges subject to review and amendment in June 2023.
+ Do you make any deductions for drying weight losses?
Yes. For each 1% of moisture removed then a weight loss of 1.25% will be deducted.
+ Will you clean my crops?
Rapeseed/Linseed/Pulses: if admixture level is above 2.0% then the seed will be cleaned. Milling Wheat: where admixture is above 2% and/or screenings are above 3% the wheat may be cleaned.
Feed wheat will generally not be cleaned unless it is deemed necessary to ensure the future saleability of the goods.
Infestation will normally result in rejection at the Silo but, where possible, very low infestation levels may be treated on site.
Ergot can be cleaned out on site at a charge of 15.00 / per mt.
+ What will you charge for cleaning?
Where low level infestation can be treated on site, the charge for this service is £10.00 per metric tonne.
+ Do you make any deductions for cleaning weight losses?
Yes. For each of 1% of admix/screenings removed a weight loss of 1.25% will be deducted.
+ What if my crops do not meet the required quality on delivery?
All crops are tested upon delivery to the store. Where the quality specification is found to be outside the parameters stated in the contract confirmation, we reserve the right to reject or divert the load to another store or accept it under a lower grade. Where it is necessary to re-grade a load in order to accept it, we will do so in accordance with the “Fair Average Quality” criteria we establish for the season. If we are unable to contact you, we will act on your behalf and in your best interest including (but not limited to) whether we will continue with any planned collections or re-schedule them for a later date.
All quality adjustments, allowances and premiums will be notified as early as is practicable and applied to the final payment under the Contract.
+ Do you guarantee to accept all deliveries?
Although it is our intention to accept all deliveries, for the protection of all our members, Shoreham Silo Services reserve the right to reject any load which at their absolute discretion is not suitable for storage for whatever reason.
+ What will happen if there is an Export Tax Liability?
All goods delivered to the port are intended to be used for export. In the event that any goods are shipped out of the port, any levies or tariffs applicable at that time will be for the account of the grower. Where goods are priced for a specific month then growers will be responsible for any levies or tariffs until the last day of the delivery period.
+ Can I commit on a produce of an area basis?
No. We only work on a committed tonnage basis. The tonnage you commit will be confirmed in the Pool contract issued by Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd (“Buyer”) who is the buyer of the goods in all instances. The Buyer undertakes to issue all contract confirmations to the Seller no later than 1st June 2023. Any discrepancies must be notified on receipt of these contracts.
+ Can I alter my committed tonnage?
Alterations to quantity can only be made by written agreement of the Buyer. It is the Seller’s responsibility to ensure that they are in receipt of contracts for all committed tonnage and that these are an accurate record of their committed tonnage. Discrepancies notified later than 15th June 2023 will deem to have been accepted by the Seller.
+ Can I average my tonnage over my total commitment?
Committed Tonnage is specific to each separate commodity and/or variety. Shortfalls and/or overage in one marketing contract cannot be offset against another marketing contract. Any quantity supplied in excess of the committed tonnage will be accepted at the Buyer’s discretion. Any excess to committed tonnage will normally be valued at spot price on delivery if its addition to the Pool Tonnage would have an adverse effect on the Pool Average Price.
+ Can I commit for more than one year?
Yes. Unless otherwise indicated, storage commitments in Shoreham are for a one-year term with no obligation to future years. As a storage customer, you have the option to book an amount of space for future years at the same time on a total tonnage requirement basis. Apart from locking into known storage charges, you are guaranteeing access to the storage you require for those seasons. This gives a summary of the applicable terms; if you would like to take advantage of this offer please state the total tonnage requirement on the booking form in the space provided.
Storage for second and third years of the agreement is on total amount basis only. The Customer can declare cropping and individual amounts including short/long-term storage can be declared in January prior to each harvest in the normal manner.
In the event that a Customer requires additional storage in any given year, the committed tonnage can be increased subject to available space and on the terms prevailing at the time.
Shortfalls and/or overages will be subject to the standard Shoreham Silo Services terms in the same manner as a one year commitment.
Bartholomews Agri Food Ltd reserves the right to alter the varieties and or categories of goods acceptable for harvest intake at any time in light of market requirements and demand for space without impact on the validity of the agreement.
Storage payments for forward commitments will be due on the same dates as existing one year deals in the year of their delivery.
To commit for three years, please ensure that you tick the appropriate box on the commitment form.
+ Am I entering into a contract?
Yes. In addition to the Terms and Conditions laid out in this information pack, the Buyer relies on the terms and conditions contained within the AIC 1/21 or any subsequent amendments for Grain and Pulses and the FOSFA26A or any subsequent amendment for Oilseed Rape. Copies of these contracts are available on written request. In addition, the Seller guarantees all EU Regulations pertaining to the goods are applicable. The Grain Storage and Marketing Information Pack 2023/24 (Terms and Conditions) will prevail where there is any conflict between any contract term.