Spring Barley Contract 2020

(Harvest Collection)

BAF Standard Terms

Issue 1   04/06/2020


The contract is for the produce of an agreed acreage of spring barley for the qualifying varieties of Planet , Propino or Laureate. The Barley must conform to all UK and EU regulations pertaining to food products in existence at the time of delivery. It is the responsibility of the seller to declare on the grain passport what, if any, post-harvest chemical treatments including pesticides have been used on the grains


Grower can request pricing at any time up to and including Tuesday 15th September. The price will be the daily open market Sept price as published by BAF each day for either malting or feed barley depending on sample quality on arrival at Shoreham.


At the time of delivery, grower can request to upgrade to a long-term storage contract to access later season prices. SSS Terms and Conditions as published separately and available to download on our website at www.bartholomews.co.uk


Ex Farm collection will be prompt at harvest after first notification of availability. BAF will arrange immediate sampling and testing and advise a collection date as soon as this is completed (collection is guaranteed and not dependant on quality or moisture content up to maximum 19.0 moisture – parcels sampled at farm in excess of 19% moisture will be collected by special arrangement but are likely to be delayed).


Quality Specifications

Malting Barley :

Moisture:                                    Max 14.5%

Protein/Nitrogen :                     Min / Max    9.5% ( 1.52N )  /  11.5% ( 1.84N )

Screenings – 2.5mm :                Min 90%

Screenings – 2.2mm :                Max 3.0%

Admixture :                                  Max 2.0%

Germ Capacity :                          Min 98%

Varietal Purity :                           Min 93% *

( * All varieties of malting barley must be kept separate from each other, no mixing prior to delivery )


Feed Barley :

Moisture:                                  Max 15.0%

Bushel weight :                        Min 62 kg/hl

Admixture:                               Max 2.0%


All barley shall be sound and of merchantable quality, free from ergot, animal droppings, and must be sweet smelling. Barley must be free from infestation with any known grain pests, and must not have been treated with insecticidal, fungicidal or any other chemical treatment other than those approved by DEFRA or equivalent body. Barley shall be free from any contamination with glass or metal or other foreign objects. All contracted barley must be produced on farms which are part of ACCS or equivalent farm scheme, and all deliveries must comply with the AIC Grain Passport Scheme. Barley must not be grown on land to which untreated sewage sludge has been applied. The seller guarantees that no genetically modified material will be included in deliveries under this contract.

*  This quality standard represents the minimum standard required to ensure full value on delivery. In the event that quality varies form minimum standard buyer undertakes to make every effort to maximise value of the contract on a reduced premium where appropriate always ensuring the value of any load is not reduced below the base feed value applicable.

Current AIC01 Contract to apply insofar as they are not inconsistent with these terms.



Payment is due on 25th September 2020 for all barley received and priced on this contract regardless of delivery date. In the event grower opts to move to a storage Contract please see the SSS full terms for payment options, (note cash advances are available on request for all long term storage customers).