T0 Trial update

Our T0 fungicide trial near Chichester is being conducted on the winter wheat variety Elicit. Considering the revocation of chlorothalonil, leaving folpet as our last multi-site option, we are investigating the options which remain. Multi-site fungicides, such as CTL and folpet are key to our anti-resistance strategy. This is because they provide an alternative mode of action in addition to, as the name suggests, disarming the disease by inhibiting multiple sites on the fungal body. When mixed with another fungicide (for example a triazole), we create a situation where resistant populations to one of the fungicides are less likely to survive and multiply, creating another generation of the resistant population. In short, by effectively eradicating the disease, selection pressure on resistant population is removed.  Therefore, the loss of CTL leaves a hole in the arsenal which only folpet can fill, which is why our fungicide trial this year is focussing on what we can use to replace CTL, yet still have a robust anti-resistance strategy. In addition to researching folpet we are also looking at older chemistry such as flutriafol. Historically, flutriafol has been harsh on the crop, which is why best practice has been to mix with CTL, making the product softer. We are looking at the potential positive impact from folpet on flutriafol to see if this may be a viable option for next season.

In addition to conventional chemistry, Bartholomews are considering the place of bio stimulants. Arysta’s Vacciplant is a bio stimulant consisting of amino acids. We’ve seen the plots which received Vacciplant looking greener and have also recovered from early nitrogen deprivation faster than the other treatments. The reason why this may be a useful addition to a T0 is the amino acids in Vacciplant bolster the young plant making it healthier, and a healthier plant will be less susceptible to disease. Early assessments appear to be showing exactly this, and it will be fascinating to follow this through the season to see if the yield data reflects our early findings.

To find out more about Bartholomews trials, make sure you visit us at our open days. Results will be available on our Research Hub.

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