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Summer forage crop options

Forage crops such as Stubble Turnips, Forage rape or Kale are ideal at plugging that forage gap, that after the recent dry weather, has left some forage stocks going short. Grazed forage crops can be some of the cheapest feeds.  With sowing time frames from May up until August, these crops offer a flexible solution that can fit in with most operations.

This handy table below illustrates the flexibility of these crops:

These crops offer good quality feed, when forge stock might be a bit low after the wet winter and subsequently dry spring. You would need to aim for 85 - 90 % crop utilisation on these species.

Choose a species and variety that fits in with your requirements. The graph below illustrates Protein and Energy content differences between them. All three options are fairly consistent with energy values, but with Forage Rape offering the most protein.

Choosing a species:

  • How long do you want the first grazing to be?

  • Look at your feed deficit and when the feed will be required – either late summer grazing or out-wintering

  • Bulk feed for a short period of time? Stubble Turnips

  • Multiple grazings - Skyfall

  • Late maturing option? Forage Rape

  • High yielding single graze? Kale


  • High yielding

  • Good Crude Protein content

  • A great buffer feed over the summer

Variety options:

Stubble Turnips

  • Fast growing

  • Ideal for finishing lambs or as a buffer feed

  • Great protein and ME levels

Variety options:

Skyfall (BBB)

With the potential for up to 3 grazing’s in a season, if sown in May, Skyfall produces as palatable leafy crop. The deep root enables it to re grow quicky and tolerate drier conditions .

Forage Rape

  • Highest crude protein levels

  • Great all-rounder for sheep, beef, or dairy

  • Fast growing – can be ready withing 12-14 weeks

Variety options:

Hybrid Brassicas, can be drilled up until the end of June for multiple grazing (Redstart). For a single graze, they can go up until mid August.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the seed team on 01243 784171 or email

Looking to get a copy of our Roots & Greening crop booklet in the post?