Monday Grain Market Briefing – 30th March

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Last week markets failed to extend the rally and ended unchanged. Going into the second week of lock-down there is a new normal starting to emerge, supermarkets have stabilised supplies of essential goods and this morning we learned that the rate of new hospital admissions has started to slow in the UK  - an early sign of progress.

Of course it’s far too early to predict what the longer term impact of the virus will be on grain markets. But what is clear is the need for careful logistical planning throughout the supply chain. Significant numbers of workers are likely to be poorly for quite a while after the lock down ends – and keeping goods moving will be a challenge. Maltsters, for example, are anticipating reduced demand for malt as beer production is interrupted – but some brewers are more worried that they won’t have access to enough bottles to put beer into as production ramps back up.

We have a busy programme already in place for the next two months with eight vessels expected across all grades.  Our message to growers is that grain prices remain attractive and to stay in touch with mkt developments.  Meanwhile, we at Barts intend to stay in touch with our consumer base as access to the supply chain will require additional planning.

Have a safe week.

Bartholomews Grain Marketing Team