Grass FAQ
When to sow grass seed?
Grass seed can be sown in either spring or autumn. Achieving the best seed to soil contact, with enough warmth and moisture is key. Grass seed will begin to grow when the soil is consistently at 5 degrees, whilst clover needs soil temperatures of at least 8 degrees. A spring sowing allows the crop time to establish well before the winter, and has more flexibility before the winter weather comes in. An autumn seeding offers minimum impact to loss of field use, with less risk of the seed going into drought conditions.
What are the best grasses for Silage?
Typically, silage mixes will comprise of Italian, Hybrid and Perennial ryegrasses, depending on the length of the ley. Usually there is also a higher tetraploid content in them than grazing mixes. The tetraploid grasses are more upright in growth, have a larger seed and are higher in sugars.
What are the best grasses for a permanent pasture?
Permanent pasture mixes would contain a high proportion of perennial ryegrasses as they are more suited to a longer term ley. Diploid species would also be seen, as they have a more prostrate growth habit, will tiller our more and are more persistent. Other species often seen in permanent pasture situations would include Timothy, Smooth stalked meadow grass and fescues. These species are useful to include as the add to the palatability, hardiness and extend the growing period of the ley. Small or medium white clover can also be added in, increasing the protein content and helping to fill out the bottom of the sward.
What are the options for Cutting & Grazing mixes?
A dual purpose mix will normally consist of ryegrasses and clovers in some cases. Early spring growth is important, in order to get the cut and regrowth before grazing later in the season. It should be quick growing, and usually with a good mix of tetraploids and diploids. A blend of white clovers, small, medium and large, are used to cover both aspects of the mix.
What are the options for Hay or Haylage mixes?
Whilst a lot of the quality of hay depends of management, choosing the right species is the first step to ensuring a good ley. Timothy is often used as it palatable and will also continue growing longer in the season than perennial ryegrasses. Whilst the tetraploids offer more sugars, diploid species tend to dry faster, which is beneficial for hay mixes. Italians and hybrid grasses are more often seen in a haylage type mix.
What to overseed with?
To achieve a good overseed, choosing the right species and mix is key. As they species will have to compete with the existing grasses, they need to be competitive and fast to establish. This would include using tetraploids, as the seeds are generally larger than diploid allowing them to establish quicker. Italian or Hybrid grasses could also be used, or perennials depending on the ley that they are being overseeded into.
What fertiliser to apply to grass?
There are many variables that can affect what type of fertiliser is used, from what the grass will be used for, to the soil indices. We would advise speaking to one of our agronomists or to our Fertiliser department for individual advise.
As part of our ongoing R&D, we have run a silage trial, looking at different mixes and fertiliser applications to see which provides the best yield, and individual nutritional qualities. Head to Silage trial 2021/2022 — Bartholomews to find out more!
Which is the best amenity mix for hard wearing areas?
For areas that need to withstand more wear and tear, we would often suggest using a mix of amenity perennial ryegrass and a creeping red fescue. The ryegrass element is quicker growing and will be able to withstand more use. Including the creeping red fescue also keeps the area hardy due to its growth habit of creating a matt effect.
Which is the best amenity mix for a fine lawn?
For finer lawn areas, mixes without ryegrass are often used. They would contain the finer leaved species, such as brown top bent grass and fescues.
For more information on the amenity range we can offer head to Amenity range — Bartholomews
Or here to see our booklet Seed booklets — Bartholomews. Speak to the seed team if you would like a hard copy posted out.