Belkar was released in 2018 as a new alternative post-emergence weed control option in OSR which is well suited to the modern approach of avoiding pre-emergence applications due to uncertainty surrounding crop establishment.
“Belkar® is a post-emergence autumn applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape. It is highly effective against key weeds such as cleavers, cranesbill, fumitory, poppies and shepherd’s purse.
Belkar contains Arylex™ active, a new active ingredient for oilseed rape, together with the well-established active ingredient picloram. It delivers robust and reliable control of key problem weeds in variable temperatures with a flexible window of application from September to the end of December.” Corteva, 2020.
Many growers who decided to continue growing rape this year will be starting to think about post-emergence herbicide applications, it is possible that the first graminicide has already gone on and is working well. To clean up any broadleaved weed issues the product Belkar can be used up to the end of December, it can be applied in several different ways. Either as one standalone 0.5l/ha application or split into two applications of 0.25l/ha. However, if you choose to use the split approach there should be some level of certainty that you can come back with the second application.
From the past year of using the product we have seen that growers who opt for the split approach and cannot come back with the top-up see substandard levels of weed control. We therefore advise that the safer option for maximising weed control would be to use 0.5L/ha. Although Belkar can be used up the end of December it is worth keeping in mind the effect of crop shielding on the efficacy of the herbicide application. In general, if you cannot see the weeds beneath the crop canopy it is unlikely that the herbicide will hit the target. The 4-5 true leaf stage of the crop would be considered ideal.
Speak to a BASIS qualified advisor today for pricing and guidance: 01243 755610