Arable silage mixes
Choosing to grow an arable silage mixture can have several benefits. Using a mix that contains a legume such as a pea, vetch or even a lupin, can increase the protein content of the silage, which can be very beneficial with the cost and implications of importing other protein sources. It has the additional benefit of fixing nitrogen in the soil, helping the following crop in the rotation. Mixes can include:
The cereal provides the energy in the starch content
The legume provides the protein and can increase palatability.
Not in the ground for very long, these mixes can be ready to cut in 14-16 weeks from establishment, which would typically be between March and May. It is also an opportunity to establish an undersown grass ley, with the potential to take a further cut once the main crop has been harvested.
Once the silage mix has been harvested, it allows a good window of opportunity for an early entry into the next crop in the rotation.
In situations where maize is not an option, either an arable silage mix or a whole crop cereal can be used. They require less heat units to mature and can be grown on less favourable sites. Arable silage mixes can generally be sown in a wide range of areas and soil types.
Suggested sowing rate: 185 - 210kg/ha (or 120kg/ha if undersown with grass)
Suggested Mixes:
60:40 Pea Barley
40:40:20 Pea Barley Oats
60:40 Oat Pea
70:20:10 Barley Pea Vetch
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Call 01243 755620