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April 2023 Newsletter


What a month April has been, unfortunately it will be remembered for the Weather that has continuously frustrated us and all we need to be doing, plans made and then changed multiple times.

In the field we are coming to the end of a protracted cereal seed drilling campaign by and large most crops are in good condition, but some have suffered in the wet conditions and the levels of slug pressure in Spring barley have been the highest for a long time.

Let’s hope for a break at long last as we look towards the rest of the Spring planting in front of us.

Winter Wheat

Septoria is easily found in all crops irrespective of their ratings and needs to be in the forefront of our minds but unlike previous seasons rust is noticeable by its absence however this could change very quickly as we know. In another change from previous seasons eyespot is very easy to find, particularly in Extase, this needs to be dealt with firmly.

We are now at GS 32 (T1) for most crops, if you have not already done so take a tissue sample in advance of any applications this will give the opportunity to add any additional nutrition the crop may need. Fungicide programmes need to be robust to suppress any disease present and give the crop the best chance to thrive once the temperatures eventually arrive and rapid growth begins. We have good stocks of the best chemistry to choose from for all your crops and combined with the help of your Bartholomews agronomist your crops are in the very best hands.

W Barley

Winter Barley flag leaves are now starting to appear, please ensure any outstanding fertiliser plans are applied now and planning for the main Fungicide applications will soon be done here as well. Awns will not be far behind the flags, always a sense of achievement when we see this each year.

Oilseed Rape

The most forward crops are already dropping flowers and the first pods are formed, of all the crops this one has fared the best in the indifferent weather so far. Fungicide choices are soon to be made here as well please ensure that if you are using insecticide at same time that the threshold for your target pest has been met and remember the guidelines around co application with triazoles.

Research and Development

All our trials sites are doing well, as previously mentioned we are looking at a wide range of crops this year and investigating varieties, quality and yields alongside some ground-breaking new products in both the crop protection and crop nutrition sectors. More to follow on this next month.

-Andrew Stillwell, Head Agronomist

Please contact your Bartholomews agronomist for more information.


We have had some late cereal seed orders have been coming in after a break in the weather. We have all cereal species available, but variety choice is limited at this time. Please enquire and we will see what we can do!

Looking forward to maize drilling for 2023 check your soil temperatures – ideally it needs to be consistently at least 8 degrees for a whole week. At the time of writing, we are currently only averaging 7 degrees (Chichester). The current forecast is predicting a drop in temperatures - It’s best to check your farm before drilling. Check out our website for our useful articles, with some handy tips for drilling. As it stands, there is no movement on the Korit bird repellent being approved for next year.

Stewardship options this year have been streamlined to make choosing even easier! Ideally these mixes should be sown from May onwards – but remember, soil conditions should always take priority over date.

Fodder beet should ideally be in the ground by now – please call for any last-minute orders for quick dispatch. Early sown kales, swede can be sown from now, adding to the forage availability later in the year.

After a prolonged wet and cold winter/spring, some forage stocks may be running low. Spring grass reseeds or overseed offer an opportunity to improve current grassland and increase yields for later in the year.

-Lucy Ford, Small Seed Manager

Please contact the Seed department on: 01243 755620


Our markets continue to trade in an ever-narrowing range with Nov 23 futures hogging the limelight as May 23 futures approach their first tender date. What a journey London May 23 futures have been on, a £180 range from its lowly starting point in the low £170 in May 2021 to its high last May of £357. It looks like it will expire £20 or so of its lows, quite the roller coaster.

Range bound markets do eventually break out, Nov 23 futures will do so sooner rather than later, but in what direction?

Of course, there are no givens with this market, will demand to Spain and poor US crop make itself felt? Will good prospects in the rest of Europe and dominant Black Sea supply push this one lower?

Despite 174kmt of wheat exports out of UK in February a lack of demand and farm retention makes a 1mmt extra on the carryout look more and more likely, and with good new crop prospects breathing down its neck old crop values look unlikely to rally meaningfully. So, it will have to be a new crop issue later this Spring, threatening new crop supply, with Spanish demand showing its hand to change the direction of our markets fundamentally.

In the meantime, markets should find near term support as the general uncertainty and where we are in the calendar means no one is going to want to push this one much lower.

-Edd Britton, Grain Trader

Please contact the Grain department on: 01243 755650

Crop Protection

Crop Protection We are seeing reports of increased levels of disease, particularly Septoria. Where T0 applications have failed to be applied due to poor weather conditions infection levels are higher.

Robust rates of use are now expected at the T1 timing in cereals which is already putting supply pressure on some fungicide products. Manufacturers phase in supplies over many months and are often unable to pull forward later monthly allocations of product at short notice.

With many chlormequat applications also being missed due to poor weather this again is placing supply pressure on late season products such as Terpal, Canopy and Ethephon based products.

This season is proving to be very different to the last two seasons when we had low levels of Septoria earlier and the weather allowed us to travel and apply products at their optimum timing.

-Graham Phillippo, Crop Protection Manager

Please contact the Crop Protection department on: 01243755610 or


Silage Additive Have you ordered your silage inoculant? Additives and inoculants can be used on a wide range of crops including grass, maize, wholecrop and legumes but: Why use an additive or an inoculant to treat silage?

There are four different areas where you can see and potentially measure the return: Reduced dry matter loss of 6 - 10% during fermentation by up to 50% Reduced heating and waste of 6 - 12% after opening by up to 50% Extra milk production of up to 0.8 - 1.5 litre/cow/day Increased live weight gain by 7 - 15%

Game Feed

With the first hatches now on the ground, we look forward to May and hopefully brighter drier days ahead. There is certainly a cautious optimism for the season, though we still must be mindful of the Avian flu risk and to keep biosecurity at the forefront of everything we do.

-Lavinia Jones, Feed Manager

Please contact the feed department to discuss your requirement on: 01243755752 or


Following a sustained period of weakness in the Urea market; recent trade in the US has driven most levels upwards over the past few weeks.

CF are expecting to start a new season campaign in May for Nitram. As a reminder they will not be offering any other products! Europe have already released new terms for Nitrogen & Nitrogen Sulphur products, with the new attractive levels, trade has been strong.

Please call Bartholomews Fertiliser department 01243 755630 for new terms on NS 27N + 12SO3 & ASN 26N + 37SO3 compounds. Both products are Ammonium Nitrate based and spreads to 36 Metres

-Simon Joyce, Fertiliser Trader

For further information please contact the fertiliser department on:

01243 755630 or