Agronomy Update - November 2021
Justin Smith - Bartholomews Agronomist
As another tricky Autumn starts to fade the conclusions I am starting to draw are:
Winter Cereals
Ø Early drillings continue to become more commonplace in contrast to advice surrounding blackgrass and aphid management. I am embracing this change, but evaluating with customers the associated risks, and consequently making sure we are prepared to spend extra money on methods trying to negate them.
Ø Pre-emergence herbicides are imperative, but visual crop effects from severe weather events are starting to become unavoidable.
Ø Glyphosate availability and high nitrogen prices are already starting to make for some interesting discussions! Higher commodity prices are offsetting some of these risks, however, never has it been more important to understand your rough cost of production
Ø Appropriate nutrient and soil management are imperative for financial success.
Winter Oilseed Rape
Ø WOSR continues to provide the most attractive break crop return
Ø Early drillings into moisture provide the most reliable establishment option
Ø The newer post emergence chemistry is key in helping us provide a safer financial return
Ø As of writing this, in late October, the soils are not yet cold enough to receive any applications of Propyzamide or Carbetamide containing products. Until the soils are cold enough to help prolong the effectiveness of these two key actives try and avoid application at all costs - you will be disappointed with the results if not!
Beans, Peas, Linseed and Cover Crops
Ø Legumes, Linseeds and alternative crops continue to gain significant interest alongside the rising gas prices. It is important to remember that although they may not provide the highest of short-term financial returns, they often provide longer-term solutions and crop rotation benefits. However, they can come with their own drawbacks, ranging from limited weed control to poor winter hardiness.
To summarize:
Being proactive ensures the best route to continued business success.
If you want to get in touch with our agronomy team, call 01243 755610.
Find out more about what we have to offer in our Agronomy package HERE.