ICL in Partnership with Bartholomews
Polysulphate - Paving The Way For Sustainable Fertilisers
ICL are the first and currently only producers of polyhalite. A new organic fertiliser which is featured in our Low Carbon Fertiliser portfolio. Sold under the brand name Polysulphate, the multi-nutrient fertilizer contains readily available sulphure plus potassium, magnesium and calcium which ensures increased crop yields and improved quality.
ICL PotashpluS
Produced in the UK, ICL PotashpluS is a granular fertiliser made of potash (MOP, KCI) and Polysulphate. Due to it also containing magnesium and calcium it supplies all potassium and sulphur crop requirements in a single application.
Both products have been used in our extensive trials. Download our free ebook to find out how the fertiliser performed.