Grain Contracts

Flexible Grain Marketing Solutions Tailored to Farmers' Needs

Marketing Options

The large majority of grains in the UK continue to be traded on the classic AIC1 ex farm contract which has evolved over many years to provide a fair and safe platform for farm grain sales. At Bartholomews we too use the contract as the cornerstone of our farm trading. However, there are many opportunities and challenges in the modern market place which require innovative approaches to fully access and address them. It might be the need to trade in deferred positions for future crops, or particular quality guarantees, or perhaps more general risk management approaches that are required. At Bartholomews we have a range of contracting options which address these needs.

Harvest Storage Contracts

We utilise the capacity of our wholly owned export facility at Shoreham, the largest dockside grain store in the South of England, alongside our inland facilities in the region to provide a full service for prompt movement at harvest time. We know this is hugely important to many of our farmer customers. As a BAF Storage customer you have the flexibility to access both short and long term options as well as choosing between pool or active marketing strategies, all designed to allow maximum flexibility of price and cash flow management from the moment the grain leaves the farm and arrives at our stores. 

Ex Farm Pools

Farmers who don’t need to move grain at harvest can still benefit from the BAF trading teams marketing services by entering one of our Ex Farm pools. You can nominate preferred months of movement as well as receive the benefit of any quality upgrades that may apply to your own parcel- whilst we look after the underlying market risk of the contract to ensure the best possible returns.

BAF Standard Terms

Bartholomews Standard Terms, currently available on oats and malting barley, draws on the best aspects of multiple consumers offerings and combines them into a single standard ex farm basis. In this way, we can help farmers ensure they meet a broad based quality standard but crucially then target each parcel to the individual consumer their crop best suits – adding value as a result.

Buy Back Contracts

We identified a long time ago the importance of working closely with end users of the crops grown in our region, and wherever possible we nurture direct trading links with the Companies we identify as offering added value for our crops. Consequently, we have several industry leading buy back contracts for specific crops or varieties. Whether its winter oats, or a new malting barley variety, or perhaps a specialised wheat contract reflecting our Spanish buyers precise requirements – there are contracting options which enable the grower to commit to a crop in the knowledge that a preferred market is guaranteed for the end product.

Please contact one of our team on 01243 755650 to help advise on options available to you.


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