Stewardship- key to the future of Propyzamide
As soil temperatures start to fall, what are the key factors to consider when applying propyzamide-based products to OSR and Winter Bean crops.
Following stewardship guidelines is paramount in order for us to retain this active for the future. Detections in water continue to rise, so we must act responsibly otherwise we shall lose this key blackgrass active in the arable rotation or rates and timings will be severely restricted. Propyzamide is not readily mobile in soils due to its low water solubility and binds strongly to soil particles. The active ends up in the water when soil erosion occurs through the heavy rains or where soils are saturated and followed by persistent rain, the active remains in solution and allows water containing propyzamide to drain off.
Stewardship Guidelines
· Minimise Soil and water movement by drilling across the slope where it is safe to do so.
· Use Low ground pressure tyres.
· Lift tramlines to reduce compaction.
· Consider In field buffer zones and Countryside Stewardship options for wider buffer zones. These will help to protect watercourses and to slow water and soil movement.
· Retain surface trash.
· Use a companion crop.
· Check to see if you are a water safeguard area.