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Silage trial 2021/2022

Looking at a post maize grass mix, to cut in the spring, before going back into maize. The mixes we trialled are:

The selection of mixes were chosen due to the species in the mix, and their ability to provide an early silage cut. The aim of the trial was to see which mix would provide the bulk cut, whilst also providing the best nutritional qualities for feeding. Ideally the mix should provide as much bulk crop as possible, for maximum silage production, without a detrimental effect on quality.

First samples were taken on the 8th of March.

They were sent off for analysis, looking at the nutritional qualities for the livestock, as well as the nutrients that the plants have taken up from the soil.

Based on DM yield alone, the Italian ryegrass blend (H1) mix has produced the most amount, by some way. The other mixes have all achieved a related amount between 150 and 200 g/kg.  this was also replicated with a visual look in the field as this plot looked the thickest.

Looking at the Crude protein values of the mixes, there is a change in the mix offering the higher value. The H9, mix ha the higher value. Due to the red clover in this mix, it would be expected to be up there. The HSG2 mix is not far behind. The two mixes with the least amount of protein are the H1 and AD mixes. The festulolium could be the reason for this in the AD mix, and the IRG in the H1.

The fibre content of the mixes follows a similar pattern to the DM results. This indicates that the fibre is correlated to the amount of bulk the mix produces. The H1 mix has again come out on top.

Sugar content in the mixes has been very varied across the mixes, but the H1 mix is again offering the most. Despite its lower yield, the triticale vetch mix has a good yield comparatively. The H9 mix has the lowest amount of sugar compared to the rest.

Again, the H1 mix is the highest yielding again with ME. The AD Short term mix has the lowest yield, with the other mixes being more varied.  The Pit filler mix has produced a good yield compared to its other nutritional qualities.

For overall digestibility value, the H1 and Pit filler mixes have topped the list. Similarly, the AD short term option has the least digestibility. The other mixes, including the H9 are all more consistently similar in value.

As well as the nutritional qualities, the samples were also assessed for nutrient uptake, prior to a fertiliser application.

The vetch/triticale mix is the only mix that has a significantly lower uptake of N. The rest of the mixes are similar in the uptake. The hsg2 is a little lower, this could be due to the amount of hybrid ryegrass in the mix.

The whole selection of mixes are very similar in the uptake of P. There is little variation between the mixes. The triticale/vetch mix is the only one that is slightly above the others.

Slightly more variation in the uptake of K in the mixes. The cutting mix is the only one that is notably lower than the others.  The H1 mix has taken up the most out of the mixes. This could be linked to the H1 overall growth and higher yields across other aspects.

Across the other macro nutrients required, the Triticale/vetch mix has taken up the most Calcium and magnesium. The sulphur has been relatively consistent across the mixes, but again the triticale/vetch mix has the highest uptake. 

Across the minor nutrients uptake, there is wide variation. The triticale/vetch mix has the highest uptake of manganese and zinc.

Estimated Yield (t/ha)

Taking three samples from each plot, these were then each weighted to create and average yield across the plot. Based on some of the other data received, it is unsurprising that the H1 mix has the highest yield by far. The triticale/vetch mix has the lowest yield, closely followed by the cutting mix. Both the HSG2 and AD short term mix had reasonable yield.