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Nitrogen Fertiliser and Nitrogen use efficiency

Fertiliser strategy and particularly Nitrogen are the main topic of conversation with a lot of Farmers and Growers at this moment in time. The current pricing is at levels we have never seen before, but what does this all mean for the new growing season ahead?

Nitrogen applications are driven by economic optimum, which is a simple calculation of Nitrogen cost against the value of the Grain/Oilseed produced. Further details of this can be found in the RB209 or ask your Bartholomews advisor. Once initial calculations are made there is scope to adjust these upwards for both yield and quality depending on your individual farm preferences and history.

Currently the calculations may indicate an optimum which is lower than you may not be used to applying in the past, and with this in mind we need to ensure that we get the absolute maximum out of the programme.

Depending on soil type, the usual recovery of bagged fertilisers is between 60-65% so every extra % we can achieve is going to be vital. We have several years of research data which demonstrate that lower rates of N can deliver both economic yields and quality, but it is something that needs to monitored and adjusted throughout the season.

Good rooting and establishment is vital

Leaf to root ratios need to be equal, as the plant can’t take up the maximum amount without the right means to do it.

Soil test to see what your N reserves are

Best done in January to early February

Leaf analysis

Make sure everything is in balance to ensure maximum uptake, particular attention needs to be focused here on Sulphur, Magnesium, Potassium and Zinc all very important for maximum N uptake and utilisation. Continue monitoring throughout the growing season before each important timing of the crop and adjust accordingly.

Apply smaller amounts and do it more often

This minimises any surplus that can be lost to the crop and adversely affect the wider environment.

Apply multiple nutrients at any one time

Nitrogen applied with Sulphur at a ratio of 3:1 at each timing has consistently delivered yield benefits in our research trials. We have a range of high quality multi nutrient products as well as our blends

27N/12 So3 Reliable spreading up to 36 metres plant available N and S in a suitable ratio

Polysulphate 14K-17Ca-6MgO-48So3

Potash Plus 37K-8Ca-3MgO-23So3

The current conditions present us with an ideal opportunity to re-think our N programmes. At first glance there may appear to be no way forward but with some careful thought there is a way through to deliver the best results.