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What’s Next for Autumn Stubbles prior to Winter Cereal drilling?

As we now focus on the next crop, let’s think about the stubbles before we start any recreational cultivations.

If we have a grassweed issue, whether it’s blackgrass, ryegrass or bromes, let’s leave the stubble untouched for as long as possible. Leaving any weeds seeds on the surface provides food for the birds and small mammals.

A pass of the rolls can improve seed to soil contact, increasing speed of germination especially if under chopped straw where there is less moisture loss.

Aim to apply the first dose of glyphosate at the 2-3leaf stage with a minimum of 540gm/ha of active, but increase to 720gms for larger plants.

Later drilling will allow you up to two stale seedbeds with cultivations in between applications.


Is resistance building up to glyphosate?

Guidelines from W R A G (Weed resistance action group) include

-          Always use a minimum of 540gm/ltr, reduce speeds at application, using between 100l - 200tr/ha of water

-          Avoid repeat applications to surviving plants

-          Maximise efficacy by applying the correct dose at the right timing.

-          Use non- chemical alternatives such as cultivations where practical.

-          Monitor success or failure – remove these survivors, map locations, contact either your agronomist or glyphosate manufacturer